
时间:2016-01-13 15:06:12  / 编辑:Abby

  Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

  Miguel is 180centimeters tall. At 2:00 p.m. one day, his shadow is 60 entimeters long, and the shadow of a nearby fence post is t centimeters long. In terms of t what is the height, in centimeters, of the fence post?

  (A) t+120

  (B) t/3

  (C) 3t

  (D) 4

  (E) (t/3


  The situation described in the question can be pictured as in the figure below, where x s the height, in centimeters, of the fence post.There are two right triangles in the figure. One triangle is formed by part of the line from the sun to point p

  , the perpendicular from Miguel’s head to the ground, and Miguel’s shadow along the ground. The other triangle is formed by part of the line from the sun to point , the perpendicular from the top of the fence post to the ground, and the fence post’s shadow along the ground. Since these two right triangles share the acute angle at , they are similar triangles. Since the corresponding sides of similar triangles are in proportion, it follows that. Solving this equation for , the height, in centimeters, of the fence post, yields x=3t

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  • 姓名:张参

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