Historians sometimes forget that history is conunu-ally being made and experienced before it is studied, interpreted, and read. These latter activities have their own history, of course, which may impinge in unex- (5)pected ways on public events. It is difficult to predict when “new pasts” will overturn established historical interpretations and change the course of history.
In the fall of 1954, for example, C. Vann Woodward delivered a lecture series at the University of Virginia (10)which challenged the prevailling dogma concerning the history, continuity, and uniformity of racial segregation in the South. He argued that the Jim Crow laws of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries not only codified traditional practice but also were a determined (15)effort to erase the considerable progress made by Black people during and after Reconstruction in the 1870’s.
This revisionist view of Jim Crow legislation grew in Part from the research that Woodward had done for the NAACP legal campaign during its preparation for (20) Brown v. Board of Education. The Supreme Court had issued its ruling in this epochal desegregation case a few months before Woodward’s lectures.
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