Romanticism(浪漫主义): a literary, artistic, and philosophical movement that began in the eighteenth century as a reaction against neoclassicism; the focal points of the movement are imagination, emotion, and freedom, stressing subjectivity, individuality, the love and worship of nature, and a fascination with the past.
Sarcasm(讽刺挖苦): harsh, caustic personal remarks to or about someone; less subtle than irony
Satire(讽刺文学): work that attacks or ridicules human follies, stupidities, and abuses.
Simile(明喻): a figure of speech that uses like, as, or as if to make a direct comparison between two essentially different objects, actions, or qualities; for example, “the sky looked like an artist’s canvas”.
Soliloquy(独白): a speech spoken by a character alone on stage, giving the impression that the audience is listening to the character’s thoughts; perhaps the most famous example is Hamlet’s speech that begins “To be, or not to be”.
Speaker(叙述者): the voice of a poem; an author may speak as himself or herself or as a fictitious character.
Stereotype(老套): a character who represents a trait that is usually attributed to a particular social or racial group and lacks individuality.
Style(风格): an author’s characteristic manner of expression.
Subjectivity(主观): a personal presentation of events and characters, influenced by the author’s feelings and opinions.
Symbolism(象征主义): the use of symbols, or anything that is meant to be taken both literally and as representative of a higher and more complex significance.
Synecdoche(提喻): a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent a whole, such as using “boards” to mean “a stage” or “wheels” to mean “a car”.
Syntax(语法): arrangement of words, phrases, clauses; sentence structure
Theme(主题): the central idea or “message” of a literary work
Tone(语气): the characteristic emotion or attitude of an author toward the characters, subject, and audience.
Tragic flaw(悲剧性缺陷): the one weakness that causes the downfall of the hero in a tragedy.
Understatement(低调陈述): undervaluing of a thing or person.
Unity(连贯): quality of a piece of writing; see also coherence.
Voice(语气态度): the way a written work conveys an author’s attitude.
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