
时间:2014-01-06 16:22:24  / 编辑:一诺留学


Martin Van Buren

President from 1837 to 1841. Beset by the panic of 1837 and unable to win over Jackson’s opposition, the Whigs, Van Buren lost his bid for reelection in 1840.


A pro-communist guerrilla force working secretly within South Vietnam.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Written in 1798 by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions condemned the Federalists’ broad interpretation of the Constitution and instead put forth a compact theory of the union  , which stated that states’ rights superseded federal powers. Virginia and Kentucky endorsed these resolutions in opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts. The arguments outlined in these resolutions would resurface in the mid-nineteenth century in the political crises involving tariff issues and slavery—issues that divided the North and South and led to the Civil War.

Virginia Plan

The first major proposal presented to the Constitutional Convention concerning congressional representation. The Virginia Plan proposed the creation of a bicameral legislature with representation in both houses proportional to population. The plan favored the large states, which would have a much greater voice than the small states under this plan. In opposition, the small states proposed the New Jersey Plan. The two sides eventually found common ground in the Connecticut Compromise.

Virginia Resolves

In response to the 1765 Stamp Act, Patrick Henry persuaded the Virginia House of Burgesses to adopt several strongly worded resolutions that denied Parliament’s right to tax the colonies. Known as the Virginia Resolves, these resolutions persuaded many other colonial legislatures to adopt similar positions.

Virtual representation

Held that the members of Parliament not only represented their specific geographic constituencies but also took into consideration the well-being of all British subjects when deliberating on legislation. Prime Minister George Grenville invoked the concept to explain why Parliament could legally tax the colonists even though the colonists could not elect any members of Parliament.

Voting Rights Act

Passed in 1965. The Voting Rights Act guaranteed all Americans the right to vote and allowed the federal government to intervene in elections in order to ensure that minorities could vote.


  • 姓名:孟帆







北京大学 金融+数学双学位 University of Chicago 金融数学硕士录取。

北京交通大学 物流管理与工程专业 University of California, Berkeley。硕士录取

北京交通大学 应用数学专业 University of Notre Dame,University of Southern California,University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,Tufts University。数学专业PH.D全奖录取。

北京交通大学 计算机专业 University of Florida,Syracuse University,CS专业PH.D全奖录取。

武汉大学 生命科学专业 新加坡国立大学 全奖录取。

华中科技大学 电气工程专业 Duke University,University of Pennsylvania,University of California-Los Angeles EE专业硕士录取。

中央美院 建筑学专业 University of Cambridge.建筑学研究式硕士,London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London,城市规划硕士。

天津大学 土木工程专业 University of California–Berkeley.硕士录取, SUNY-Buffalo,土木工程PH.D全奖录取。Ohio State University-Columbus,硕士学费全免。

武汉大学 经济学专业 College of William and Mary,University of Rochester,University of Wisconsin-Madison,硕士录取。

天津大学 船舶与海洋工程专业 Case Western Reserve University,新加坡国立大学。海洋工程PH.D全奖录取。

南开大学 光电 University of California-Berkeley,University of California-Los Angeles,硕士录取

北京航空航天大学 数学与应用数学 加州大学欧文分校, 应用数学PH.D全奖。

山东大学威海分校:应用数学 University of Notre Dame,Tufts University,数学PH.D全奖。


北师大附中 Cornell University,Rice University。本科新生录取

北京四中 MIT,University of Pennsylvania,Cornell University。本科新生录取。

人大附中 Yale University,University of Pennsylvania,Brown University。本科新生录取。

南开中学 Northwestern University。本科新生录取

汇佳私立高中 Brown University,Northwestern University,本科新生录取

哈尔滨工业大学 University of California-Berkeley,University of California-Los Angeles,Georgia Institute of Technology,本科转学录取。





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