
时间:2015-06-23 10:56:58  / 编辑:joker


  1. cite the quote.

  you know that quote they always give you? embed it into your conclusion or intro, or wherever you like. personally i use it as a way to write the conclusion because i can’t think of a good conclusion fast enough. i just say something like just as so and so said “whatever”, i believe . i don’t have empirical evidence but i think it makes you seem legit, and i’m pretty sure test prep teachers have advocated this.

  2. the fastest way to think of facts:

  take 2 from anything you like that is legitimate fact (history, science, real examples people can look up on the internet). 1 can be an anecdote. you can make the anecdote up if you really can’t think of a topic. if you are morally opposed then so be it. i seriously don’t think the test people care. (i don’t advocate you do this on a college essay though, that stuff is legit).

  3. leave the flowery prose.

  seriously. if you are somehow a speed writer who can think of awesome prose while filling up both pages, go for it, but i don’t think most people can do it. go into what i like to call “ap mode”. get the facts out, cut the rest. honestly, diction probably helps a little bit but i really don’t think 25 min’s is enough time for you to worry about anything like that. i don’t use big words and i get 12s, or at least 10s.

  4. if you aren’t a great essay writer use the 5 paragraph build. intro, 3 bodies, conclusion.

  leave your thesis as the last sentence of your intro, have each first sentence in each body support the thesis, and repeat your thesis again in your conclusion. i have consistently used this build and it has always worked. you learned it in middle school, now put it to use.

  5. use 3rd person.

  “one” is a good word, unless you are doing the anecdote paragraph.


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