Walter P.Chrysler(1875-1940)
Walter Percy Chrysleris the founder of what is today known as the third largest North Americanautomaker: the Chrysler Corporation. Walter Chrysler was born on April 2, 1875,in Wamego, Kansas. Several years later the Chrysler family moved to the westernEllis, Kansas. His father worked for the railroad industry as an engineer. Itwas at the shops of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, where he spent much time withhis father as a young boy, that he developed an acute interest in the workingsof a locomotive. Walter attended the public school system of Ellis where hefinished high school. He then became a machinist's apprentice at the union Pacific Railroad.
At the age ofeighteen he designed and built a miniature steam locomotive that ran on aneighth of a mile track that he also built. He made many of his own possessionsbecause it was not enough to just know how to use his tools but how to makethem as well. Mechanical engineering became a way of life not just aprofession. The young machinist was well on his way to making a name forhimself.
Walter P. Chrysler'sautomotive career started in 1911, as a Works Manager for Buick in Flint,Michigan. Buick was the cornerstone on which William C. Durant built GeneralMotors in 1908.
W. C. Durant had lostthe presidency of General Motors in 1910. Mr. Chrysler went to work resolvingmany engineering and production problems at Buick. His reputation quicklyincluded a tremendous ability in automaking and sound management. In 1916, W.C.Durant regained the presidency of General Motors and fired Charles W. Nash whobecame the president three years earlier. Walter Chrysler was made Presidentand General Manager of Buick. Durant found out that Mr. Chrysler wasconsidering an offer to take over Packard Motors. Durant offered him a raisefrom his salary of $50,000 a year to $500,000 a year to stay at Buick. Heaccepted.
He was also namedGeneral Motors' Vice President in charge of production. Now the other divisionswithin GM had the fortune of Mr. Chrysler's expertise. His next promotion puthim in the office of Executive Vice President of General Motors. He now workedclosely with W. C. Durant. He became troubled with Durant's style of business:constant over-expansion. Mr. Chrysler felt this was a path to imminentcorporate disaster. It was this disagreement in business philosophy that leadMr. Chrysler to retire from General Motors in 1920. His reputation in theautomotive industry now was immense. He had regained Buick's name as a synonymfor soundness and quality.
He had increasedproduction from forty cars a day to over five hundred cars a day. This allhelped GM reach a profit of almost fifty million dollars annually. Later,William C. Durant was forced to resign by the bankers that held General Motors'eighty million-dollar debt. Walter P. Chrysler retired from the automotiveindustry in 1920, at the age of forty-five, financially independent and sincethen his great career began.
克莱斯勒从小就表现出了在机械方面的天赋, 18 岁时,他制造了一辆微型蒸汽车,虽然这辆车更像是一件玩具,但却“五脏俱全”,可以在后院里他专门铺设的轨道上行驶,20 岁那年,他被一家工厂聘为机械师,可以拿到一份令人羡慕的薪金。但是,克莱斯靳具有一种对任何事情都十分好奇的正确性,不愿意始终呆在一个岗位上,总想寻找其他发展自己的机会。
年轻的克莱斯勒到底换过多少次工作,恐怕连他自己都无法记得清楚,直到33 岁那年,才相对稳定地受聘担任了芝加哥西部铁路的动力总负责人。
1910 年,克莱斯勒辞掉了年薪12000 美元的工作,受聘担任了通用汽车公司别克分部中一家工厂的技术经理,年薪只有6000美元。由于他精通机械、技术超群,在通用公司的作用越来越重要,1912 年年薪增加到2.5 万美元,1915 年增加到5 万美元。“通用”一心一意想留下他为公司效力,但克莱斯勒本人却产生了离开“通用”,独自去干一番事业的想法。
正在此时,杜兰特重返“通用”,他为了振兴“通用”,急于招揽一批人才时,对其竭力挽留,不仅委任他担任了别克部的主要负责人和公司第一副总经理,而且还将其年薪一下子提高到50万美元。然而,由于克莱斯勒与杜兰特难以合作,他还是于1920 年3 月25 日离开了“通用”。
经过辗转,克莱斯勒终于促成立了自己的公司。汽车公司成立心以后,发展极其迅速。相继推出的“克莱斯勒4 号”和“系列58”两种新车为其发展做出了贡献。公司在1925 年的国内排名只有27 位,1926年末升至第5 位,1927 年则又上升至第4 位。1928 年通过股票交易的方式买下了道奇公司和普利茅斯汽车公司。道奇公司当时在美国排名第三,有良好的商誉和可靠的销售网,买下它之后,克来斯勒在1929 年即跃升为美国三大汽车公司之一,后来还曾有过超过福特位居第二位的辉煌。1930-1934年间,克莱斯勒相继成立了安普莱部和爱尔坦普部,从事轴承和散热器的生产。
1、CAO同学 东北财经大学 经济学专业
GPA:3.0 IBT:104 GRE:319
2、DING同学 北京第二外国语大学 英语专业
3、WU同学 北京工商大学 工商管理
GPA:3.3 IELTS:6.5
4、CHEN同学 中央财经大学 会计专业
GPA:3.5 IBT: 105 GMAT: 750
5、MA同学 对外经济贸易大学 金融专业
GPA:3.65 IELTS:7.5 GMAT:730
6、XUE同学 天津大学 化学专业
GPA:3.7 IBT: 104 GRE:323
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