在SAT考试中在虽然看起来很多修辞需要辨认,但是在历年11次考题中修辞手法题只围绕最基本的的修辞在考。也就是重心放在:Metaphor(暗喻),Parallel structure(平行结构/排比),Analogy(类比),Repetition(重复)。那么只要把这几个弄清楚就好了。接下来,一诺留学小编将为大家讲解SAT考试需掌握的几种修辞方法。
Parallel structure/Parallelism(平行结构/排比)
英语parallelism(平行)源于希腊语的parallelismos,意思是alongside one another (并排)。它是把结果相同或相似,意义相关或并重,语气一致成分平行排列的一种修辞方法。英语parallelism(平行)构成可以建立在各个语言层次,如单词,短语,从句和句子的等上面。其中尤其以三项式平行结构最为普遍。
1 词的平行结构
Women were running out to the line of march, crying and laughing and kissing the men good-bye.
2 短语平行结构
It was not anger ,nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the emotions that she had been prepared for.
3 从句的平行结构
This is the man who has stirred three hundred million people to revolt, who has shaken the foundations of the british empire, and who has introduced into human politicis the strongest religious impetus of the last two thousand years.
4 句子平行结构
Kind hearts are the gardens; kind thoughts are the roots; kind words are the flowers; kind deeds are the fruits.
It is as Nikhil .that first semester ,that he grows a goatee and discovers musicians like Brian Eno and Elvis Costello and Charlie Parker.It is as Nikhil that he takes the train into Manhattan without Jonathan. It is as Nikhil that he introduces himself to people he meets.
18 Lines 35-40(It is ….meets”) are notable chiefly for their use of
A metaphor
B paraphrase
C exaggeration
D parallel structure
E appeal to emotion
从定位的三句话发现开头都是It is as Nikhil that引导的句子,很明显是句子的平行结构。所以答案选D。
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