1. 抓住明显错误进行排除
例:The benefits of exercise is as psychological as physical.
(A) is as psychological as physical
(B) are more than psychological, they’re physical
(C) are as much psychological as physical
(D) have psychological aspects as well as the physical ones
(E) is psychological in parts and physical as well
2. 利用常考考点作为切入点
例:The automobile, popularized by Henry Ford, was invented around the same time as the Wright brothers developed the airplane, and it is an important method of transportation.
(A) The automobile, popularized by Henry Ford, was invented around the same time as the Wright brothers developed the airplane, and it
(B) The automobile, popularized by Henry Ford, was invented around the same time as the Wright brothers developed the airplane, and
(C) Invented around the same time were the automobile, popularized by Henry Ford and the airplane, which the Wright brothers developed, and it
(D) The automobile popularized by Henry Ford. Was inverted around the same time as the Wright brothers developed the airplane and this is why it
(E) An invention around the same time as the Wright brothers developed the airplane, the automobile, popularized by Henry Ford, it
我们一起来分析一下这道题目,题干说由HF所推广的汽车,与W兄弟所发明的飞机差不多在同一时间,它是一种重要的交通方法。大家发现划线部分的最后一个词it就犯了模棱两可的错误,它既可以指代汽车,又可以指代飞机,所以A错,同样C, D, E也都有it,所以也不对。答案应该选择B选项,把it给去掉了,这样就避免了指代不明的错误。
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