1.(常考题:并列)The major complaints professors have about teaching is that they have challenging research to complete and must also work hard to hold student interest. are that they have challenging research to complete and must also work hard to hold student interest
2.Having achieved fame, widespread acclaim,as well as continued relevance,DS is considered to be a classic American movie. Having achieved fame,widespread acclaim,and continued relevance
点评:用动名词“Having”没错。但能用and就不用as well as(这似乎又是一条规律),and前有无逗号无所谓。
3.For as many as 9 months or more,Thad Carthart lived in Paris. For more than 9 months
4.Many home owners in the northern states use a window sealant,for it will prevent heat loss in the winter. that will prevent
5.The runners coming this far,they decided to push through the very strenuous final mile of the marathon. Having come this far,the runners
点评:记住这个句式,Having done sth,XX…不是说它有知识上的意义(大家肯定早就知道了),只是说它正确的频率相当高。同时原句没有转折语气就不要用转折词。
6. Some of the classes taught in American classrooms are interpretations of lessons used worldwide,particularly those in European history. classroom,particularly in European history,are interpreations of lessons used worldwide.
7.Joann,the newest student at Leon Blum high school,has been portrayed as the brightest student and also the most unruly of them. the brightest and yet the most unruly of students.
点评:记住吧。。。the brightest and yet the most unruly of students,后面还有一道关于老虎的题也差不多。
8.Ann’s parents explained that she was promoted to hear journalist for the reason that her articcles were mindful always for both side of the issue. because her articles were always mindful of both sides of the issues
点评:表原因最好还是用简洁的表达方法,如“because”,“since”等单个词而不是如“for the reason that”等结构。简洁
9.(常考题:转折)Many wealthy taxpayers pay less than ten percent of their annual incomes to the government,some middle-income taxpayers pay a much larger percentage annually. Although many wealthy taxpayers pay
10. OW was almost as brilliant a novelist as he was at writing plays. almost as brilliant a novelist as he was a playwright
11.Examining the catalogue,the phrase “while supplies last” and “get it while it’s hot” are designed to encourage consumers to order the product immeidately. one sees that the phrase
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